In order to share the experiences and main outcomes of this time and from all the cities involved, UrbanWINS is holding its final conference on April 4th in Brussels and we gladly invite you to join the event!
Main goal of the conference is to demonstrate how the understanding of the urban metabolism can help cities and towns in the development of eco-innovative waste prevention and management strategies and to showcase results and experiences from the pilot cities, so that other cities, organisations and stakeholders can build upon them.
For more details on the event, find the programme below or visit the website.
If you would like to join, you can register here. Registration is free and open until March 25th.
UrbanWINS final conference - Programme:
Morning session
8.30. Registration and welcome coffee
9.00. Welcome: The UrbanWINS journey
9.30. Urban metabolism: indicators on how cities eat and digest
- The urban metabolism approach, by Leonardo Rosado, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University
- Strategic Planning Framework for the pilot cities, by Giulia Lucertini, Research Fellow on Planning and Assessment Methods, Adjunct professor, IUAV
- Questions and answers
11.00. Coffee break
11.30. Participation: a key aspect in UrbanWINS
- Speed presentations: How have we used participation in the cities?
NOVA FCT; Cremona, Albano Laziale, Pomezia and Torino (Italy); Leiria (Portugal); Bucharest (Romania), and Manresa and Sabadell (Spain) will share their insights.
- Questions and answers
12.45. An inspirational story: the SPILL restaurant in Malmö
13.00. Lunch break
Afternoon session
14.00. Three parallel workshops: If I were a city...
- Workshop 1: Game talks – Using board games to prevent and manage waste
Facilitated by Micael Sousa, UrbanWINS blogger in Leiria
- Workshop 2: Community based decision making for better waste management in tourism
Facilitated by Erneszt Kovács, Project Manager at ACR+ and partner in the the URBAN-WASTE project
- Workshop 3: Eco-innovative solutions for waste and wastescapes
Facilitated by Libera Amenta, Architect Ph.D. in Urban Design and Planning and partner in the REPAiR project
15.15. Presentation of the UrbanWINS toolkit
15.45. Coffee break
16.15. Looking into the future
17.00. Conclusions and wrap-up
17.30. Tour through GreenBizz facilities