The Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (DCEA) at FCT NOVA was created in 1976, being a pioneer in the graduation of Environmental Engineers in Portugal. DCEA has followed over the last 40 years the extraordinary evolution in this area, expanding the scope and tools that provides to tackle the environmental and sustainability challenges of the 21st century. DCEA offers bachelor, masters and PhD programs in environment and sustainability, of high scientific and technical quality, preparing students for the national and international market, in a wide range roles and responsibilities.
DCEA assumes research as a key pillar of the learning process that promotes, supported by national and international research projects, and by an extensive collaboration network with industry and public bodies. The faculty, researchers and collaborators, around 140 people, work daily to achieve its mission
‘Refocus Environmental Engineering in the 21st Century’ as: (i) core competence in the job market, (ii) engine for research, development and innovation, (iii) promoter of societal changes.