DCEA is committed to attract external visitors, from other countries, through its network of contacts and mobility programs as the Erasmus program and IAEST. In the last two years, around 50 researchers visited the DCEA for periods between 1 and 6 months: 68% from European Union member countries, 13% from Brazil, and 19% from other countries. We believe that this exchange is crucial to share work and distinct cultural practices experiences, and to start a more solid relationship for the future. If you are interested in visiting DCEA send us an email (dcea.secretariado@fct.unl.pt) and tell us what your area of interest is, and the purpose of your visit. We will help to prepare your visit.
If you are an international researcher, read the Handbook for International Researchers at NOVA Faculty of Science and Technology (Handbook for international researchers at FCT NOVA), available through the following LINK.