

5th International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management


It is our pleasure to invite you to submit papers to CIIEM2013 (5th International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management), which will be held on July 17-19, 2013 in LISBON (Portugal).

CIIEM focuses on joining academics, researchers, engineers, consultants and companies from the Energy and Environment Sectors, in order to interchange experiences, present advances and new projects about the rational and efficient use of Energy and the Energetic Conversion Systems, and also to analyze the different solutions focused on the reduction of the impact caused by energetic systems on the environment and the environment preservation, concerning other activity sectors and society.

According to this philosophy, the Congress has been structured into seven different scientific areas, in which all the communications will be distributed depending on the following items:
• Energetic Installations.
• Renewable Energies.
• Environmental Management. Environmental Engineering.
• Environmental Education.
• Materials.
• Projects Engineering.
•  Computer Fluid Dynamics.

July is a great time of the year for visiting Lisbon! With comfortable temperature and nice weather, you can enjoy the delicious Portuguese food, a splendid city with a great light and enjoy of the patrimony and also of the modern view of this historical city. Welcome to Lisbon!

All papers in CIIEM2013 will be published in the conference proceedings. The feasibility of publishing special issue(s) of reputed scientific journals will be confirmed shortly.
Important dates:
Abstracts submission:  March 4th 2013.
Acceptance notification:  April 4th 2013.
Extended abstract submission:  April 30th 2013.
Finally, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to invite all the Scientific Community to participate in this project, presenting papers or communications related to any of the proposed areas.
Looking forward to welcome you there!

 The Secretary of CIIEM2013
Phone: +34 695 961 908 